
Eye Diseases We Manage

Like all of our bodies’ organs, eyes can develop diseases. At Invision, we can help determine possible diagnoses for your symptoms in order to direct you towards the proper treatment. Continuing to monitor and manage these diseases with your eye doctor is critical.

Below are some of the common eye diseases we manage.


Cataracts are a clouding of the lens of the eye due to clumping protein. This is an extremely common eye disease, affecting nearly half of Americans aged 80+. Cataracts blur vision and dull colors. Early cataracts can be treated with prescription eyewear and special lenses, while late cataracts must be corrected with surgery.


Glaucoma is a building of pressure inside the eye from poor fluid draining or high blood pressure, which damages the optic nerves and can result in vision loss. The notorious “air puff” test–which, with new technology, is a much softer, gentler experience than in the past–tests eye pressure in order to detect glaucoma. Without treatment, glaucoma sufferers slowly lose peripheral vision, eventually losing central vision as well.


Diabetic eye disease is caused by long-term high blood sugar (A1C), leading to leaks from the small blood vessels inside the eye. We see a number of patients daily with Type 1 or Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes. Early detection leads to earlier treatment and better outcomes. We also counsel our diabetic patients on lifestyle changes and the ABCs of diabetes control to prevent vision loss.

Macular degeneration

Macular Degeneration is the “deterioration of the central portion of the retina” and the leading cause of vision loss (American Macular Degeneration Foundation) Early stages do not produce vision loss, but if allowed to progress, vision becomes blurry & wavy until central vision ceases entirely, leaving only peripheral vision. While it is currently incurable, routine eye exams can catch early symptoms–lipid deposit beneath the retina–and treatment to slow progressive vision loss can begin.


Allergies–such as pet dander, pollen, and mold–cause sensory irritation. Many experience watery, itchy, red, and/or burning sensations in their eyes, or even eyelid swelling. While there are non-prescription ways to prevent and treat reactions–dehumidifiers, over-the-counter antihistamines, sunglasses to prevent pollen contact in your eyes–the severity of your reaction may call for stronger remedies, like medicated eye drops.  

Eye Infections

There are a range of eye infections–conjunctivitis, or “pink eye” being one of the most widely known–all of which require medical assistance in order to cure.

Styes & Eyelid Problems

Usually caused by bacteria or clogged oil glands, styes and other eyelid problems can be, at best, annoying, and at worst, painful and obstructive. Depending on the severity of the infection or stye, you may require antibiotics in order to be rid of the problem.

Dry Eyes

If you’ve been watching TV recently, you’ve probably seen Jennifer Aniston speaking about dry eyes. Dry Eye occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough tears to fully lubricate and nourish the eye. While mild cases cause discomfort and blurred vision, more severe cases can lead to eye damage. A comprehensive eye exam, as well as speaking with your optometrist regarding any discomfort, can diagnose this condition.


Any time you feel something isn’t quite right with your eyes–whether it be discomfort or distorted vision–contact us via phone or online and set up an appointment. Early detection of any eye disease or eye problem is the easiest way to ensure longevity of proper vision.