Posts Tagged ‘symptoms’

Managing Dry Eye Syndrome This Winter

Posted November 23, 2020

Dry eye syndrome is the most common complaint eye doctors receive. It affects between 5 to 30 percent of those 50 and up. While some who experience dry eye syndrome only notice symptoms at certain times, others are plagued constantly. But whether you have seasonal or chronic dry eye syndrome, talk to your doctor immediately Read more…

Computer Vision Syndrome and What To Do About It

Posted September 17, 2020

The average American spends seven hours on a computer every day. Our work, classes, entertainment, shopping, and communication all require the use of a computer, phone, or tablet. The amount of time spent on these devices increases every year, but particularly this year as Covid-19 keeps people home and schools online. This prolonged exposure to Read more…

Why Another August Eye Exam

Posted August 28, 2020

However nontraditional your school year is in 2020-2021, some things never change, like supporting your kids during this tumultuous time, or trying to make sure that a vision problem isn’t standing in the way of them reaching their full potential. August is Child Eye Health and Safety Month. If you haven’t scheduled a back-to-school eye Read more…

Five Common Eye Symptoms to Never Ignore

Posted July 27, 2020

Eyes are the window to your soul… and to your health. They respond to  external and internal irritants: a bit of dust, a lack of tears, or a genetic condition can all look very similar. It is easy to ignore the condition of our eyes, even when they are trying to let us know what Read more…

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