How to Care for Contact Lenses
Posted June 12, 2019Contact lenses, like many medical devices, are incredibly safe provided you care for your lenses and eyes according to the instructions of your doctor. Here are a few general rules to live by if you’re a contact-lens wearer:
Keep them clean and moist
Soaking your lenses in contact solution when they aren’t in use keeps them moist and gives them a necessary cleaning after a hard day’s work in your eyes. Contacts should be kept in an airtight case with fresh contact lens solution; the case prevents evaporation of the solution, and keeps the contacts away from particles and microbes. After putting on your contacts, dump the solution, rinse the case, and let it dry. Old solution is prone to bacteria growth, so be sure to always use fresh solution when you store your contacts!
Tap water or other non sterile liquids should not be used to clean your contacts. Using anything other than saline solutions (which is what contact solution is) could lead to serious eye infections.
While you’re keeping your contacts clean, be sure to replace that case every 1-3 months! The case is an important part of keeping your eyes healthy, too.
Wear contacts for the recommended length of time
There are a variety of contact styles, determined by wear length. Dailies, 2 weeks, and 1 month are the standard wear length for most brands. Contacts should only be used for their recommended wear time, and then replaced with fresh ones. Contacts should also be replaced if they begin to cause your eyes any sort of discomfort, or if they are ripped, stained, or otherwise damaged.
Give your eyes a rest
While contacts are safe to use and incredibly helpful for those with vision impairments, they can exacerbate eye dryness, and reduce the oxygen flow to your eyes. It’s best to take your contacts out during the evening and night so your eyes can breathe, regain moisture, and be ready for the next day.
There are some contacts designed to be worn both day & night, which you are able to sleep in with minimal discomfort. We still recommend giving your eyes a break from contacts, because even those contacts don’t allow perfect airflow.
Ask your eye doctor about the recommended wear time for your needs and the style of contacts your prefer.
Find the brand that’s right for you
Like with most goods, there are multiple options for contact lenses. If you have drier eyes, for example, you might need a type of lens that holds more moisture. Having your annual eye exam not only checks for changes in prescription, but is a great opportunity to raise any other concerns you may have with your current contact lens brand or style. Sometimes the solution for irritated eyes is just a switch in brand, style, or even contact solution itself. We offer a wide range of contact lenses to help provide convenience, clarity, and comfort to all of our patients.
Switching to contacts is a big decision, but you can trust our team to help you make the right choice and find the perfect fit! If you’re interested in getting contacts, call us or make an appointment online at Salem or Christiansburg to schedule a contact lens consultation and fitting.