Effects of Exercise on Your Vision
Posted January 18, 2021
It’s the time of year when we all lace up our shoes, renew that gym membership, or sign up with a trainer. Exercise resolutions can be hard to keep, but we all want a slimmer waistline, a chance to destress, and a way to stay healthy. Not only does exercise help with obesity, arthritis, and Read more…
Astaxanthin: the Supernutrient in Preventative Eye Care
Posted December 29, 2020
Did you know approximately eighty percent of all vision impairments may be avoidable and that many eye diseases are actually preventable? This may be surprising but when given the right resources, our eyes can heal themselves. One of the most important things your eyes need to heal are antioxidants, the most powerful of which is Read more…
Managing Dry Eye Syndrome This Winter
Posted November 23, 2020
Dry eye syndrome is the most common complaint eye doctors receive. It affects between 5 to 30 percent of those 50 and up. While some who experience dry eye syndrome only notice symptoms at certain times, others are plagued constantly. But whether you have seasonal or chronic dry eye syndrome, talk to your doctor immediately Read more…
Leaf Peeping in the New River Valley
Posted October 26, 2020
Autumn has settled upon us! These chilled temperatures are leaving the trees of the New River Valley awash in reds, oranges, and yellows. Healthy vision is such a blessing and it is an even greater one when surrounded by such beautiful landscapes. This autumn, make some amazing memories with your family and try leaf peeping! Read more…
Computer Vision Syndrome and What To Do About It
Posted September 17, 2020
The average American spends seven hours on a computer every day. Our work, classes, entertainment, shopping, and communication all require the use of a computer, phone, or tablet. The amount of time spent on these devices increases every year, but particularly this year as Covid-19 keeps people home and schools online. This prolonged exposure to Read more…
Why Another August Eye Exam
Posted August 28, 2020
However nontraditional your school year is in 2020-2021, some things never change, like supporting your kids during this tumultuous time, or trying to make sure that a vision problem isn’t standing in the way of them reaching their full potential. August is Child Eye Health and Safety Month. If you haven’t scheduled a back-to-school eye Read more…
See, Style, and Shade This Summer
Posted June 15, 2020
Sunglasses are like shoes: a necessity that comes in many shapes and sizes and which should be fitted to the occasion. Our team can help you find a way to be comfortable and stylish while protecting your eyes from those nasty UV rays. If it’s time to fit yourself with prescription sunglasses, we have some Read more…